Please follow these simple guidelines and we know you will love the new tools you will have at your fingertips.

·        You should have each salesperson view the 23 minute Salesperson Orientation Movie we have provided (also available on our web site).   They should also be asked to sign the Salesperson Agreement and provide a copy back to you for your records.

·        A computer should be designated solely for the use of TRAX on the sales floor.  This computer should be placed at the point or the area where your sales team have the best access to the system from several angles.  The ideal is to be set up at counter height so a salesperson can easily walk up to the system, enter their information, then move on.  It is important that a salesperson be able to see the front door and the UpBoard at the same time and that the computer be networked to at least one other computer on the floor.  Is also critical that the manual (paper system) be eliminated.  If you allow the paper system to stay TRAX will fail.

·           The requirements are minimal.  The least expensive Windows based computer available today with a basic CD ROM, Floppy Drive and High Speed Internet Connectivity is perfectly adequate.  A nine pin serial connection will be needed to link with the front door traffic counter.  Do not use an older model computer with slow processor speed.

·           At least one extra computer should be available on the floor for Local Area Networking, so you don't have a bottleneck at the UpBoard during busy times.

·           Networking should be available at your desk and each manager’s desk.  Initially you should have access to the Performance Summary Report and The “IGE” Information Gathering Efficiency Report.  This should be viewed within the first week to determine if you have any stragglers on the sales floor that may be resisting TRAX.  Sometimes salespeople are a little tentative or afraid of you receiving this new information.  In the back of their mind they may feel that this information is going to be used against them.  You must assure them that this data is designed to make their job easier, their time more productive and each day personally far more profitable.

·           All salespeople should take a few moments to enter all the existing unsold customers in their tickler files they are working with (Hot Unsold Prospects).  It is my belief that if you have a salesperson who has been with you for any reasonable length of time, and they don’t have at least 20-50 quality unsold customer prospects they are currently working with, they are sponging off your advertising standing around waiting for the door to swing and these people need to smell the coffee.  Our goal is to capture quality information on at least 50% of the sales they do not make.  Of course the primary goal is to sell every person who visits your company.  We would all love a 100% closing ratio but we also know that this is not humanly possible.   TRAX is designed to create and maintain long term meaningful relationships with your customers.   With out quality CRM tools like TRAX, your more sophisticated competitors are going to pass you by with a swoosh. 

·           Make sure your salespeople enter a forward action date on each customer.  The day they make that first sale that probably would not have happened without TRAX, they are hooked for life.  TRAX is just like anything else that is totally new.  Once they become familiar with the main screen it will become second nature very quickly and begin generating positive results.  The psychologists tell us that it requires about 21 days to turn a habit into a skill.  I believe you will agree it takes half that time to ingrain the TRAX habit into second nature.

·           One person should be designated as the TRAX administrator.   This person should read all manuals and take the time to understand all the tools in the system.  If you have one person who can make sure TRAX is set up properly and will take responsibility for its performance you are guaranteed dramatic improvement.  If this person is someone who truly cares about the long-term growth of your company you will enjoy incredible strides in performance.   If no one plans to take charge of this position and look at the reports then provide feedback  to the owner, you should not buy Trax.  The system is so good that it has been known to create improvement by itself but experience has shown that without a leader in the organization using the data the improvements are limited.  With management involved the improvements are dramatic...GUARANTEED.

·           Set up an inbox for each salesperson for their daily to do list, automatically printed customer thank you letters and weekly performance letter.  A plastic tray on the central counter will be fine.   The key is that these reports must be waiting for them in the same place each morning.

·           Make sure each salesperson has a personal three-ring organizer for their daily to do lists. 

·           Special Note:  A salesperson should never enter information into TRAX until after that customer has left the premises.  The last thing you want is a salesperson playing with a computer with a customer standing behind them with an open checkbook in their hand.  It is also imperative that after all customers leave that all opportunities be entered.

·           You should use our perpetual spiff contest described in the manual and also here on the Trax web site.  We have had dealers experience major sales improvements from this very competitive perpetual, fun, weekly, three-minute contest.  Of course the ulterior motive is that if they do not insure that all sales are entered then their numbers are going to reflect lower than correct sales volume and they will not win as much money in the spiff contest.  By the way Spiff stands for SPecial Incentive For Fun.


 Sample of Customer Information Card    





Customer Information Card


Date ___/___/___ Name _______________________­­_______________________________


Address ____________________________________________________________________


City _____________________________________ State _________ Zip _________________


Telephone (_ _ _) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _         (w) (_ _ _) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _         (c) (_ _ _) _ _ _ - _ _ _ _


Action Date ___/___/___  Comments  _____________________________________________




Product(s)   _____________________,  _____________________ ,  ____________________


What brought them in? (Type Advertising) ___________________________________________


Amount spent $_________or Reason Did Not Purchase_________________________________



Back of Card




Dimensions or Additional Notes





_______________________________________________________________________________________________                 _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________            _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________            _______________________________________________________________________________________________            _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________           _______________________________________________________________________________________________            _______________________________________________________________________________________________          _______________________________________________________________________________________________

Print Yourself or Please call (888) 646-5462 to reorder @ $49.95 per 1000




Sample of Previous Customers Data Entry Form (Pg 22 of Users Guide)






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  1997 - 2004  Mink-Inc, All Rights Reserved.
Patent Pending

1. Two Questions 2  Picture of Counter in Hand 3.Hourly Analysis | 4.Staffing Analysis | 5 Industry Experts   6 Revenue Per Up  7 Weekly Traffic Comparisons  8 Opportunity Comparisons  9 Who's Up  10 UpBoard Login  11 UpBoard Four Questions  12 UpBoard Why Didn't They  13 UpBoard Customer Button  14 Customer Info Screen  15 Problems With Manual Tickler  16 Daily To Do List  17 Automated Thank You Letters  18 Performance Summary  19  Key Reports  20 Global Traffic Trax Reports  21 Global UpBoard Reports  21a Import Export With Your Business Software 22 Major Benefits  23 Don't Ask Your Salespeople   24 SW Airlines  25 Customization Form  26 Salesperson Agreement  27 List of All Reports  28 Return On Investment Benefits    28a Getting Started and Cust Info Card

29 HOME  30 Testimonials