|TRAX Door Counters | TRAX Upboard Systems | TRAX Visual Prof|


We invite you to schedule a live on-line demonstration of our Automated UpBoard CRM to view how easy it is to use on the sales floors of your stores and how much of a timesaver it is for your salesmen over a manual or spreadsheet system.


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TRAFFIC COUNTER |                                                                                                 FREE DEMO >>

    • Infrared direct beams

    • A directed beam is emitted from a transmitting diode to a direct (line of sight) receiving diode.  This beam is typically aligned across the entry and set at a height that does not count small children playing.  Infrared is the same technology you use in your TV remote control and is perfectly safe for use in your business.  A single beam is the least expensive technology available and counts everything coming and going.  A multiple beam system is more accurate because it can determine which direction a beam is broken and if you desire not to count as a patron is exiting.

    • Infrared passive detection

    Automatic door openers, found in many retail establishments, are a great example of passive infrared technology.  Since your body temperature is normally higher than the ambient air temperature a signature is converted into an electronic signal and counted.  This is also the same technology used in police helicopters and night vision goggles.

      Microwave (radar) detection systems

      These are very similar to passive infrared except they function with radar technology and detect speed differences of signals emitted and bounced back.  This technology is used extensively in security applications.

      Camera detection systems

      These extremely high cost devices work based on an electronically painted schematic, which needs periodic calibration.  This grid is sampled continuously and the differences are counted as traffic.  Several factors are involved in determining the quality of the counts received.  The most important is the quality of the optical hardware and the image calculating software.  



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