Personal Trade

Most up systems penalize a sales person when a customer comes in and asks for them, such as with an appointment or a be-back situation.  Their name comes off the board until the customer leaves then that sales persons name is put back on the bottom of the up list.  They are penalized for bringing in repeat customers.  Not with TRAX.

When a sales person has entered a prospective customers personal information into TRAX and this customer comes back and asks for this sales person, they are rewarded because they will not loose their place on the up board.

When a customer asks for a sales person, the sales person highlights their name then touches the personal trade button.  This changes their name to green, (we call that money green) because most of the time when they get a customer back in, a sale is made, especially if it is an appointment with a sales person.  After the customer leaves, the sales person selects [Open Opportunity], finds his or her customer under the password-protected list.  Hopefully they change it to a sale, save it, then touch the Personal Trade button.  This changes their name back to the original color and they are not pulled out of rotation.  They have been doubly rewarded for bringing that customer back into the showroom.

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