Why not permit TRAX to be used as a personal reminder for each member of the sales team.
The Action report may be used for personal activity. If you have a dental appointment, special anniversary or birthday you don’t want to forget, use TRAX to make sure you don’t disappoint those loved ones. What about a message from the manager to a particular sales person, or passing on important information about a customer to someone whose got the day off?
The easiest way to do this is to use the Customer Info and Mailing Section and create a new entry with your first name and the word Personal. You can also do this from the UpBoard, you should select the customer button and enter your personal reminder along with the proper “Action Dates” you need. Change the customer name to “Your Name Personal”
How many times have you missed important dates or special occasions because retail can be difficult on any schedule? I suggest that you and all your associates take three or four minutes each and enter all special occasions you have for the entire year. Don’t forget that when the special day arrives to reset the “Action Date” for next year.
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