We invite you to schedule a live on-line demonstration of our Automated UpBoard CRM to view how easy it is to use on the sales floors of your stores and how much of a timesaver it is for your salesmen over a manual or spreadsheet system.


TRAX's Connect is used by you when instructed by our Sales Representative or Support Techs to connect between your computer and theirs  for real-time support or for live demonstrations of our systems.


   C U S T O M E R  C O M M E N T S  
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"we were able to improve not only in efficiency, but more importantly in effectiveness"


As far as my words about using TRAX -
As a small single-store retailer, it wasn't until a few years ago that we came to realize how important it was to quantify and track every aspect of our business.  I give credit for this revelation to my Profit systems networking group.  Once we began to track our opportunities, and what we did with them, we were able to improve not only in efficiency, but more importantly in effectiveness.  It was a great feeling of being in control. For the first time, I felt that my sales staff and I were working together, and not in opposition to each other.  Whenever sales were below goals, we could identify the problem, be it low traffic or low closing and low average sale, and so could deal with specifics to improve the situation.  Adding the TRAX system has allowed us to track advertising effectiveness as well as close rates for individual categories of merchandise in the same way. That information is critical in making the vital decisions that we must all deal with on a daily basis.
In short, I experience the same feeling using TRAX that I felt when we first began operating with computers instead of ledgers:  simple wonder as to how we ever did business without it.
Tom McMinn



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