Why TRAX is so
unique and so good for your company.
Okay, it’s time
to listen up. We’re about to make
you some serious money. The beauty
is, you’ll barely need more than
what you’ve got to work with right
Does this sound
familiar? “It’s slow boss, the
traffic’s just not there.” Or, “I
close almost everyone that I talk
to, we just need more of them.” Now
your choices are to park yourself on
your showroom floor and watch it
like a hawk, accept the information
given to you by your salespeople, or
call them liars based on nothing
more than a hunch. What can you
do? Right? Wrong.
I’d like to
introduce to you the most powerful
retail sales management tool I’ve
personally encountered. It’s called
TraxSales software, and it dissects
showroom floor information in every
conceivable way. It begins with a
remote traffic sensor that installs
on your front door, and
automatically counts all traffic
coming into your store. The system
automatically takes into
consideration traffic that’s not
customers, or “the mailman factor”
as they like to call it, and gives
you an accurate report on how many
customers enter your store on an
hourly, daily, weekly and monthly
basis. This is nothing compared to
the software that it comes with.
Management software controls your
showroom floor and performs
functions that you won’t even
believe. First of all, the system
logs each individual salesperson in
each morning, and places them on an
automated upboard. Immediately an
up rotation is established,
eliminating petty squabbling that
can often be overheard by
customers. Customers don’t like
being fought over like a $20.00
bill. Furthermore, this software
tracks each individual salesperson’s
performance in several different
ways, and provides a multitude of
detailed reports that allow you to
get a completely accurate depiction
of what is actually happening when
you’re not around. You will now
(and probably for the first time
ever) know how many customers
actually came through the door and
how many were sold, giving you the
closing ratio. Here’s a personal
guarantee: It’s much lower than you
think it is.
Now is when it
gets really interesting. The
software will break down the value
per opportunity, advertising value
per opportunity, average sale,
average time spent with customers,
closing ratio, missed opportunities,
reasons for not buying, product sale
by category, you name it. The
system also operates as a complete
contact manager, tracking all
customer information for complete
demographic analysis and highly
efficient database management.
Ever have a salesperson leave and,
as if magically, his/her files also
disappear? No more.
While you and
yours are in sleepy land (2:00 a.m),
the system automatically prints for
your managers and salespeople
detailed daily “to do” lists,
automatically reminding everyone of
that day’s schedule. Say goodbye to
missed appointments that cost you
thousands, Trax never forgets. It
also allows specific reminders to be
set (such as birthdays,
anniversaries, call back dates,
etc.) and will not only remind your
salespeople but will automatically
print birthday cards, special
invitations, whatever you want.
These special messages can even be
set-up to be directly e-mailed to
As if all this
weren’t enough, it gets better. The
system is set up based on
salesperson goals, and each
salesperson will have a detailed
report explaining where they are,
where they should be and what
they’ll need to do to get there.
The system sets goals weekly rather
than monthly, mainly to give the
salesperson a full outlook before
it’s too late to act. Setting
salesperson goals is important for a
variety of reasons, especially when
formulating sales projections. Where
I work, if you don’t have a goal,
you don’t have a role.
After Trax has
helped you realize a more organized
showroom floor, that’s when you
realize that your work has just
begun. Here’s a tip, before you look
at your first set of reports, tie
yourself down to something and have
a couple of people there to restrain
you. What you will undoubtedly find
is an incredible amount of money
that you don’t have, but should.
Trax will tell you how many people
have come in, how many were sold,
and it won’t tell you a lie to
protect itself. It will tell you
exactly, down to the customer and by
category, which advertising is
working and which isn’t. The value
of that alone is immeasurable. It
will give you a weekly traffic
summary and comparative traffic
analysis that enables you to more
intelligently plan your future
advertising. It will give you
incredibly accurate and detailed
information about everything that’s
happening on your showroom floor, by
individual salesperson and as a
As a retail
sales manager, sales trainer,
marketing executive and now
newspaper man, I’ve never seen a
software package that can make such
a total and complete difference in
any retail operation. This is one
tool that can truly save you
thousands upon thousands upon
thousands. As a matter of fact,
they guarantee it, and that’s
especially what I like about them.
They say they can improve each
salesperson’s performance by
$5,000.00 a month within 90 Days, or
they’ll buy the software back.
Period. Multiply that by the amount
of salespeople you have, that’s the
guarantee. That’s confidence.
If you use Trax
Software, never again will you
wonder “why?” about anything. Trax
doesn’t only provide you with the
information to run your business
more efficiently, it performs a key
management role. It’s like buying
a book called “Everything you wanted
to know about your operation, but
were afraid to ask..” Trax
immediately shows you the gaping
holes in your business into which
money rapidly flows, and allows you
to correctly identify problems and
shortcomings, rather than
perpetually scratching your head.
Oh, by the way,
did I mention you can view all this
information real time via the
internet? You heard me. Here’s
another tip: Buy Trax, a laptop if
you don’t already have one, and a
wireless Internet card from a cell
phone company. Then, no matter
where you are, you can have any
question answered more accurately
than if you would have called. Next,
if you don’t already have one, buy a
boat. Don’t worry, you’ll have the
extra money and the time to use it.
Clay Ardston,
Real Dealer