Will My Sales People Use It?

The first thought of some salespeople might be.  Uh Oh…Big Brother.  If they understand that this is a very easy to use tool that will make them money any resistance is quickly forgotten.  Sharing the reports and reasons you want this information is the fastest way for your team to grasp the potential and empowering them to want to help you improve the overall operation is by far the smartest way to align their goals for improvement with yours.

Initial resistance is easily overcome when they realize that

·        TRAX will dramatically improve advertising effectiveness, bringing more prospects into the store.

·        Helps determine what product is not moving as quickly as thought, so the dogs move out faster.

·        It is a much more efficient, faster up system than they are using now. 

·        Sales people must use it so they may get back into rotation. 

·        Most importantly it is the finest tool of its kind to assist them in customer relationship management letter writing and follow-up and most importantly identifying and measuring where they have the ability to improve the fastest.