The Big Five (The Simple Keys to Total Success with TRAX)

Commit a Few Moments Each Day


Information Gathering Efficiency Report

·        This report instantly let’s you know if your salespeople are doing a good job capturing quality information on the customers who do not purchase the first time in.  Our goal is to get this information on at least 50% of your unsold prospective customers and help your salespeople develop long term relationships with all of your customers.

Performance Summary

·        Automatically prints each morning for yesterday’s activity.  Prints each week on Monday morning and prints again at the end of each month.

·        Distribute to the Owner/President every morning.  You should also create a three ring binder in three sections for this report.  The sections should be labeled Daily, Weekly and Monthly Performance Summary Reports.

Performance Letter

·        Prints automatically each week and is a recap of the Performance Summary personalized for each salesperson.  Should be provided to the salespeople weekly (coaching sessions) or at least with the managers comments where applicable


Closing Ratios By Product Category by Salesperson

·        This report automatically prints monthly for each salesperson but may be accessed any time for individual coaching and training

Goals Achievement

·        Automatically prints weekly for individual coaching and training.  This is a report that should be followed closely.  It tells you at a glance if a salesperson is having a problem or is on track for a record month.  If you have never used sales goals drop everything else you are doing and make sure this is set up properly.  We set the goals for you based on an estimate, and they may need adjusted by you each month.