Reasons for Not Purchasing

Displays a pie chart showing the reasons for not purchasing for an employee.  Indicate which employee and reporting.  One example of how this can help with sales management is that if you learn that a salesperson has a high percentage of customers who did not purchase because they had a price objection.  The reality is that this salesperson may be saying something during the presentation that is causing the customer to have this reaction.  In this example I would not immediately tell this salesperson.  I would pretend that I was doing inventory or something with a clipboard in my hand and I would listen in to their next presentation or two and try to figure out what that salesperson is saying that is causing this customer reaction.  (Make sure you do not make eye contact with the customer or salesperson).  This report really promotes MBWA, which stands for Management By Walking Around.  Tom Peters in his great book “In Search of Excellence” makes the point that most managers do not spend enough time taking in critical data.  This report gives you a great excuse to go exploring and possibly learning new things about your sales force that can help your company dramatically improve.