TRAX Installation Certification Test
Please Print then fax to 713.532.2862
Attention Dave
If the installation is on a single entrance door frame, on which side of the
door do you install the counter?
(A). Hinge Side or (B). Door Latch
Side .
2. How high from the floor is the top of the door counter and the top of the reflective strip?
(A). 60 inches (B). 50 inches (C). 40
inches .
3. You should use scotch tape to secure the reflective strip and only secure after proper alignment is attained.
(A). True (B). False
4. Proper Alignment is when you have a red light and only one green light is on and solid.
(A). True (B). False
5. If you need to re-terminate how is the wiring done?
(A). Standard Ethernet Wiring. (B).
Straight line wiring (matching on both ends) ..
6. Which way do the lights on the counter point after installation?
(A). Towards the ceiling. (B). Into
the store. (C). Out of the store ..
7. Which is better to use for wiring? CAT3 or Modified CAT 5 with a pair removed?
(A). CAT3 (B). Modified CAT5
8. When Placing the reflector strip on the door frame even though you only need a 1 inch circle to gain proper alignment, should you trim the excess material and place it on the inside of the strip to give better connection?
(A). True (B). False
9. Should the reflective strip be place horizontally or vertically on the door frame?
(A). Horizontally (B). Vertically
10. Should you call the TRAX office when you have completed the entire installation or after you have installed the front door counter but before you run the wire in the ceiling.
(A). When first arrive. (B). Just
before wire run. (C). After completion of entire install. ..
11. Is the traffic counter installed vertically or horizontally?
(A). Vertically (B). Horizontally
12. Should you leave the small bag of installation accessories and loop back testing device with the dealer after installation is complete?
(A). True (B). False
13. Which is the best preferred method for hiding the wire run in the door frame.
(A). Drill a hole and hide the wire
in the door frame, where possible. (B). Use Wire Mold .
14. It is recommended that you avoid running communication cable over lighting and ballast during the wire run.
(A). True (B). False
15. The TRAX Mux Box has a door chime that can be turned on or off and it only chimes and counts when someone enters, not when people leave.
(A). True (B). False .
Installer Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________________
Phone Number (Office) ________________________ (Cell)
Mailing Address __________________________(City)______________ (State) ___
Email Address ________________________________________________________________
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