Hi Dave!


Just wanted to thank you for your software and let you know our progress with it here at the store level.

We are amazed at the amount of information we collect from it.

One is the closing ratio and average ticket we get from the opportunities we log and from the ticker. We have managers here that are happy with our sales volume but by looking at our closing ratio compared with our other stores, we really need to improve. We should be able to double our business if we can get closer to our company’s closing ratio. This information just blew me away. It really makes us focus in on this.

The other is the traffic per hour. We learned so much about our traffic and how we are so under staffed during our peak hours.  It’s part of the business that I was so unaware of.

The customer information gathering is yet another tool that is so effective. This is work in progress and we will continue to get better and more proficient with it.

We are looking forward to the GERS and Trax integration. I will keep you posted on our progress.


Jeff Asano

Linder’s Costa Mesa Store manager.