TRAX Export Installation and Usage
The purpose of this program is to allow authorized dealers of to
export traffic data. This data is available in several formats and will allow
dealers to use this information for import into POS systems and satisfy other
external reporting requirements.
Installation and requirements
Select the download link
and follow the prompts to install the software. TRAX Export will require
bi-directional access to ports 80, 1433, and IP address
Additionally, the computer where this program is installed will require that
Windows Framework 2.0 is installed. Select this link
to install Framework 2.0.
Launching TRAX Export
Select the Start menu, Programs, TRAXsales, TRAXsales and click TRAXsalesExport.
The login tab will be displayed.
Login Tab:
To login, you must supply a valid Dealer ID, User Name and password. Please call
713-466-7177 to retrieve your dealer id. You may check the save password
checkbox in order to not have to re-enter password every time.
Click the login button and the data setup tab will be displayed.
Data Setup Tab:
On this tab, several actions are possible.
Showrooms – this will default to all. Select All or click the dropdown to select
a single showroom/store.
Start Date/End Date – for a one time export, select a start date and an end
File Prefix – all output files will be in a .csv (comma separated value) format
and the file name will read TRAXexport <time/date>.csv. You may supply a file
prefix to further identify the file.
File Location – select the more (…) button to display a folder dialogue where
you must specify the location for the output file.
Automatic Export – select this checkbox if you desire to have TRAX Export
automatically generate a file Daily, Weekly or Monthly. TRAX Export will
automatically create and manage an event in Windows Scheduler to execute
automatic generation of the Traffic data file.
Daily will generate a file from 12:00 midnight the previous day to midnight of
the current day. For weekly, you must select the day of the week that the export
data should go through. TRAX Export will generate a file on the first occurrence
of the day selected and the data range will be from 12:00 midnight on that day
and go back seven days to midnight one week earlier. Monthly will generate a
file at the end of the month for the entire previous month.
Report Format
Select the format in the dropdown. Available options include Custom, Hotzone
Reporting and iQmetrix. If custom is selected, you will have the ability to
output select columns and order the columns as desired. Hotzone and iQmetrix are
predefined formats. iQmetrix supports the import functionality in the iQmetrix
POS system BI (business intelligence) module.
Note For iQmetrix users: There is a field on eTRAXsales showroom page named
POS/External ID. This is used to identify the iQmetrix internal identifier for a
store. Simply edit each showroom in eTRAXsales and enter the appropriate value
into this field. Upon export, this field will be populated for easy import into
Note For Hotzone Reporting: There is a field on eTRAXsales showroom page named
Code 1. This field is used to identify the Agent code used to satisfy Hotzone
Reporting requirements. Simply edit each showroom in eTRAXsales and enter the
appropriate value into this field. Upon export, this field will be populated in
the Agent Code field.
Viewing and Manually Exporting the Traffic Data
Click the Apply button and once processed, the Results tab will be displayed
with the data for the selected criteria. This tab is for viewing only. Once
satisfied, click the Export button and a file will be generated and saved to the
designated File Location.