Thank you for the opportunity to work
with you and your fine company. I know you are going to love our
products and the benefits you will see will exceed your expectations.
The following is our payment plan
1/3 down (check or credit card) and after we receive the
names of your sales staff and your sales goals (within 48 hours) we install
the UpBoard Program and you replace your manual system and begin to use TRAX
on your sales floor. We have a 22 minute training video for your
sales and management team to view, Sales
Representative Orientation for Web Based
and I spend 30-45 minutes training
the trainer over the telephone. Your salespeople have been using
an up-system for as long as they have been selling and this training is very
simple and straightforward. (I trained my eight year old daughter on
how to use the basics in less than 10 minutes.) We believe
that after we switch to the TRAX Upboard (if your manager follows the five
basics Five
Basics That Insure Success within 2-3 weeks you will
see an increase in performance on your sales floor. (Second 1/3
payment due when we install the Visual Proof computer and traffic counter
hardware. This is when you will be able to measure your true closing
ratio performance. I personally come to your office and spend 1/2 day
working with you and your managers on how to maximize all of the measurement
tools provided. The third payment is made 30 days after the hardware
is installed and you are using the full program.
Here are our prices.
Counter $995
Proof $2000
Installation 100'< connection to online Windows PC $500
Software System $5000 (second location $3000, third location $2000) (All
additional locations $2000)
(on site, normally $1000 plus airfare and hotel) (Included at no charge)
years maintenance/toll free support included at no charge, afterwards $69
per month per location)
Down payment $2835
2nd payment $2830 (at time of
hardware install)
Final Payment $2830 (30 days after
I look forward to a long and mutually
beneficial relation with you.
Warmest regards,
Dave Mink CEO
6830 N. Eldridge Pkwy #302
Houston, TX 77041
888-646-5462 Tech Support 713-466-7177
Cell 713-854-7706
We will provide our customers a level of service that will earn
your referrals. Our goal is to provide you 100% accurate closing ratios
and maximize unsold customer follow-up, improve sales management and to
help you break new sales records...CONTINUALLY. If you are new to TRAX
Please view these Presentations:
(8 minutes) (Please allow 1 minute for presentation to begin) Why_The_CRM_UpBoard_Will_Help_Your_Sales_Team_Close_More_Sales_In_Five_Days
(9 minutes) Training
Page Read Our Customer Testimonials Customer_Comments,
Traffic Counter PDF
Upboard PDF
Visual Proof PDF
Basics That Insure Success
Visual Proof Makes A Difference