Hi Joe,
I can prove to you
that using TRAX and following our simple instructions will guarantee that
within three weeks each of your salespeople will be selling an average of an
additional 1-2 new sales every week, or your money back. I can do this
because I know that you are not sending automatic thank you letters to unsold
customers and each of your salespeople is manually trying to keep a tickler
file and as you told us in our meeting, it is not working.
It's been quite some time
since we last spoke and I wanted to touch base and get you up to date on the
features you have been missing without TRAX on your sales floor.
Did you know that your below average salespeople will talk with two or three
times more customers than your top performers. TRAX can show you these
comparisons and help you improve performance. Did you also know that
your below average salesperson's closing ratio is less than 10% for first time
customers who have never been in your store, but if they can bring this same
customer back in (on the same project), their closing ratio goes to over
is why TRAX has a 90 day buy back guarantee and promises a 5-10 Thousand
Dollar Increase in NEW SALES per month Per
Salesperson, or we take it back.... FYI, we have not taken
one back in many years and we have a long list of very satisfied customers.
Here are just a few.... Customer_Comments,
Just select the company logo to see
their testimonials.
Several months
ago you inquired about our system to help your salespeople close more sales
and I have some wonderful news for you. Our programmers have been
working very hard this last year and we have added a new tool which
automatically synchronizes with your POS system so there is no double entry
when you make a sale. This new feature will save each salesperson approximately 2-3 minutes
for each sale or credit and insures 100% accuracy of your closing ratios
and sales goals programs. This new module is free of charge with the
purchase of TRAX.
The most
important question is how many customers are visiting every month and how many
actually end up purchasing? The next question is, of those customers who
did not purchase, what are you doing to
help your salespeople bring them back in? With TRAX you have a tool
which forces a salesperson to be more efficient by quickly measuring their
strengths and weaknesses and helping them follow-up with all of their unsold
customers every day (automatically). The reason your salespeople will
love TRAX is that it automatically prints a daily
to do list for each salesperson and shows them who to call or what
appointments they have set for the day. It also automatically sends out
beautiful thank you letters for all of your unsold customers.
Please understand that we absolutely know that it is impossible to get
customer information every time you do not make a sale. As a matter of
fact if you are anything like me, you will never ever give your phone number
or address to a salesperson you do not like or trust, especially if you have
no intention of purchasing the product they are selling...Right?
I also know you
will agree that if a salesperson does a great job for you and you do like
and trust them, and that there is a fairly good chance that you will purchase
their product, then there is a better than 50/50 chance that the average
person would give that sales professional their information. Especially
with an extra incentive like a monthly drawing (IF THEY ARE ASKED
PROFESSIONALLY) We will show you how to get quality follow-up
information more often. We have been known to double the performance of
below average salespeople, and you have absolutely nothing to lose and many
millions in sales revenue to gain over time.
With the TRAX
patented front door traffic counter and visual proof camera system you have a
100% accurate count of every customer who has come in and thought about
spending money in with your company. I know you spend big bucks with
your accountant and if one penny is missing or out of balance you spend huge
dollars to find it....Don't you? In your warehouse, if something is
missing you can spend many man hours trying to locate it and put your
operations people through hell if it is gone and not accounted for.
Don't you??? So why don't you accurately measure your customer traffic
with more care? BECAUSE THAT'S WHERE THE
we need to get started is for you to email us five things.
A list of your salespeople,
Two months of monthly sales goals for each salesperson.
#3. A
complete list of your general product categories
The types of advertising you currently use and
How much you budget each month for each.
will set you up and have your upboard fully operational in 24 hours.
It is so easy to use, we will have your entire sales team fully trained, up
and running in less than 25 minutes and you will notice a difference the first
only ask that you follow the five basics for the first 30 days that insure
success. We ask that you ignore all the reports and information provided
so that we know you are maximizing the opportunity you have by focusing on the
basics. After 30 days you can then enjoy the performance reports that
for example with advertising will earn you make goods and free advertising
because you will be able to hold advertisers accountable for poor performance.
Or (for example) the closing ratios by product by salesperson that will amaze
you. Most of this information will exceed your expectations and create
additional opportunities for improvement. Please view this training page
and select #4a. Training
allow three business days for the shipment of your traffic counters.
waste another day. If we guarantee that each of your salespeople will
make an additional $5000 minimum per month in new business. This
actually means that (if we are right) you are losing $5000 per month per
salesperson for every month you delay. How many salespeople do you have
and how much are you losing.... Please stop right now and do the math.
reply now and let us get you tracking with TRAX.
look forward to hearing from you.
Dave Mink CEO
6830 N. Eldridge Pkwy #302
Houston, TX 77041
888-646-5462 Tech Support 713-466-7177
Cell 713-854-7706
We will provide our customers a level of service that will earn
your referrals. Our goal is to provide you 100% accurate closing ratios
and maximize unsold customer follow-up, improve sales management and to
help you break new sales records...CONTINUALLY. If you are new to TRAX
Please view these Presentations:
(8 minutes) (Please allow 1 minute for presentation to begin) Why_The_CRM_UpBoard_Will_Help_Your_Sales_Team_Close_More_Sales_In_Five_Days
(9 minutes) Training
Page Read Our Customer Testimonials Customer_Comments,
Traffic Counter PDF
Upboard PDF
Visual Proof PDF

Here are Sample
Traffic Counter Reports. A traffic counter is easy to install and
provides accurate closing ratios and staffing comparisons.
Single Store Traffic
Counter Report

Multiple Store
Here is a sample
of just one on line management reports we call the Performance Summary.
It is customized for
your company and you may add the ability to view Sketching Performance,
House Calls, Accessory Sales Performance and more.
Please notice that it
- Each showrooms
average revenue per up, total hours and of course total sales just
like your existing POS software, but that is where the similarities end.
- You now know how
many opportunities each salesperson has spoken with and what their
conversion ratio is.
- You learn each
salesperson Personal Trade (Be Back Performance) and their closing ratio
when they bring customers back in. Wow...
- Warranty Tracking at
your fingers, this is for fabric protection and extended warranty
performance and is very useful and profitable tracking and creates
improvement by itself.
- Each week your TRAX
computer automatically prints a personalized performance letter for each
salesperson that prints so you can hand them out during your weekly sales
- Please also notice
the red and green colors. Red means the specific category is below
the company average and green is above.
Store Report
TRAX Follow-up...1-2 new sales for
each salesperson every week. Guaranteed...