We now have the ability to Export Customer Information From TRAX so that you can save even more time on the sales floor.  There should never be any duplicate work regarding entering customer information and this new tool could also make it easier to do mailings for private events and follow-up more efficiently with outside services.  Call Brad Parker for details on a new module which makes follow-up a snap and guarantees you a huge ROI.

As you know TRAX is very good at bringing customers back into your store with the daily To Do Lists for each salesperson and the automatic follow-up letters.  With this tool you will be able to import the customer information into your POS system more easily without re-typing this information when they do come back and purchase.

ETrax Services Instructions For EFT


1.      In EFT Service, there are two Setup files, Windows application Setup “eTrax Customer Export WinApplication.msi” and Windows Service Setup “eTrax Customer Export WinService.msi”.


2.      Install Windows application, then install Windows service.  Both applications are installed in “Program Files\Export From Trax\eTrax Customer Export Service”.


3.      After Windows application is installed, it will create a shortcut on Desktop and also to Start => Programs, named as “eTrax Customer Export Service.exe” and also an eTRAX icon to tray.


4.      Using this Desktop/Windows application admin can set the Dealer and Showroom ID and location to save Customer Data XML file on Showroom machines, using Browse button.


5.      Dealer ID and Showroom ID used by Windows Service is installed on Showroom machine. Windows Service will send a request to Web Service which is installed on eTrax server. Using these two IDs Web Service will retrieve Customer data from eTrax database and send it back to Windows service on Showroom machine.  To start exporting the Customer Data from XML file, you have to start installed Windows service (eTRAX Customer Import XML File.msi).


6.      To start exporting the Customer Data from eTrax , you have to start installed Windows service (eTrax Customer Export WinService.msi).


7.      To start Windows Service, you have an eTRAX icon in tray, please right click on it and you will see “Stop and Start eTRAX Customer Export Service” links. Using that you can start and stop the eTRAX Customer Export Service.


8.      As soon as you click on “Start”, your installed Windows Service starts to export Customer Data from eTrax. And if you want to Stop it click on “Stop eTRAX Customer Export Service ”


9.      If you close the windows application “eTRAX Customer Export File” then the tray icon will also be closed. So if you want to Start or Stop the service then again you have to open/start the windows application.


10.  Also when started a file is generated as “Exportlog.Log”, this is a log file, in which every transaction done by this service and status is written on this log file by the service.


Here are the two MSI (Microsoft Installer) files that you will need to install.

eTrax Customer Export WinApplication.msi

eTrax Customer Export WinService.msi